Google Ads Masters – Learn Google Ads the RIGHT WAY


How To Approach The Course
About Me
Course Agenda
I. The Basics

Google Ads: A History & Overview
Creating An Account & Getting Started
Understand Account Structure
Navigating The Interface
II. Google Search

Understand the Ads Auction
Build a Keyword List
Two Tools to Help With the Keywords List
Design Appropriate Campaign Structure
Keyword Match Types
Creating Killer Ads
Extensions: Critical for success.
Bonus: Spying on Competitors
Choosing a Bid Strategy
Do These 3 Things or Waste Your Money!
After Launch: Ongoing Campaign Optimization
Ongoing Campaign Management
‘Smart Campaigns’… are they really smart?
(Advanced) The BEST strategy for local service-based businesses.
(Advanced) Remarketing Lists for Search Ads
(Advanced) Dynamic Search Ads (DSA)
III. Google Shopping

Intro to Google Shopping
Google Merchant Centre: What, Why & How
Creating Your Product Feed – An Overview
Which Campaign Type Should I Use?
Standard Shopping
Standard Shopping Campaign Optimisation
Performance Max
PMAX Campaign Optimisation & FAQ’s
How the Biggest & Best Retailers Do It
(Advanced) Use Feed Rules to Beat Your Competition
Running Shopping Campaigns in Multiple Countries (The Right Way)
Google Shopping for a Shopify Store: COMPLETE GUIDE
IV. Display Campaigns

Targeting on the Display Network
Audience Targeting In Practice
Content Targeting In Practice
Example Campaign Structure
Creating Display Ads
(Advanced) Use Dynamic Ads Feed for Personalised Ads
Viewable CPM: A Bid Strategy Unique to Display Campaigns
Campaign Creation COMPLETE Demonstration
V. Video Campaigns

Understand YouTube Ad Formats
Bid Strategies for YouTube Ads
The Best Way to Start With YouTube Ads: Full Campaign Walk-Through
YouTube Campaign Structure
(Advanced) Ad Sequencing on YouTube
VI. Other Campaign

App Campaigns
Discovery Campaigns
Local Campaigns
VII. Golden Bonus

Google Ads Editor
Google Data Studio
Should I be applying recommendations from the Recommendations Tab?
Notes: How the Pros Keep Track of Their Changes
(Advanced) Seasonality Adjustments to Maximise Revenue During Sale Periods